Ingredient is the key

Great ingredients applied with purpose produce great food. That’s what I always believe and apply to Ivenoven and Zoezobake Cake.

My mom used to tell me tips for baking, she told me how to choose the best ingredients to achieve the best result. I learnt that good ingredients is one of the keys to produce good food. 

That’s why I always adjust each ingredients use including incorporate some of imported ingredients directly from its origin, considering the quality which related with accountabilty and the sustainability of the material. 

If the key ingredients are stable enough, it enables us to control the productions in order to bring out the flavor we wanted and have them always in decent condition.  

For instance; the latest edition we launched for Spring in Japan we use imported matcha and sakura from Japan, we also use imported chocolate & fruit purée from Europe. Sometimes I hand carried some ingredients I found during my vacation overseas.

I remember when me and my husband were on our vacation in Italy, I had a dinner in a restaurant, just before we left, suddenly the owner of the restaurant approached us and enquire about the meal we had, so we kind of had some short conversation and he ended up offering some of wine or liquor for us to try, he gave us this amaretto liqueur named Dissarono which turn out it’s one of the best Italian liqueur. 

After the moment I experienced the taste of the amaretto, and instantly crossed my mind how it would be turn into a tasty dessert and undoubtedly I hand carried 2 bottles when I went back to Indonesia. 

You may ask me, what if the ingredients were running out? 

I am grateful to be surrounded not only with good friends, but also customers who become our friends who bless us with their kindness for helping us out with carrying those ingredients for us. 

Indonesia also has a lot of amazing quality of ingredients, as you guys know Indonesia is very rich of various kind of ingredients. What I am trying to share here, how I made use of my travelling time in the past and some of my knowledge to learn different ingredients from different cities or countries and bring out the best to our creations, such as gula jawa from Central Java and desicated coconut from Manado (North Sulawesi) that we incorporated into our Pandan Gula Jawa cake. 

There is no 2nd best option I would choose, nothing but the best for you and for my own family.
